Dave Brezina's Intellectual Property and Other Links

Updated 6/21/2022

Intellectual Property Law web sites

Free Law Sites

  1. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
    1. US Patent Assignments
    2. USPTO Search
    3. Patent forms for Applications After Sept. 16, 2012
    4. Patent Form Finder After Sept. 16, 2012
    5. America Invents Act Redline

      See also

    6. Federal Trade Commission Invention Promotion Firms Page
  2. Other Jurisdictions
    1. European Patents on Espacenet
    2. Canada Intellectual Property Office
    3. Chinese Patent Office
    4. Japan
  3. The Software Patent Institute
  4. Historical US Patents
  5. Arcane Boat Patents
  6. Dennis Crouch's PatentlyO
  7. Patent Copies
    1. Follow USPTO Search, click on 'Images' and then 'Full Pages'
    2. Google Patents
    3. Free PDF File Copies of US Patents from Pat2pdf
    4. Free PDF File Copies of US Patents from Patent Fetcher (free as of May, 2016)
  8. Patent Searches
    1. US Patent Office Issued Patents
    2. US Patent Office Published Applications
    3. US Patent Office 2022 Release Public Search Page
    4. Search on Patent Lens
    5. Search on Free Patents Online
    6. Google Patents
    7. Google's Patent Related Prior Art Finder
  1. Official Gazette of Trademarks
  2. European Trademark Search
  3. Madrid Convention -- International Trademarks
  4. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board -- Viewing Documents On File
  5. United Kingdom Trademarks
  6. Japan
  1. US Copyright office
  2. Acceptable File Types to Upload (Max Size 500Mb)
  3. Deposit of Identifying Material Under 37 CFR 202-21
  4. US Copyright office Review Board Opinions

Advertising, Consumer Protection and Competition
  1. Federal Trade Commission
    1. Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property (1995)
    2. Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property (1995) (DOJ)
    3. Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property (2017) pdf Download
    4. R & D -- Guidelines for Collaboration Among Competitors
    5. Lookup RN Numbers
    6. Look Up NAIC Codes (formerly SIC Codes)
  2. US International Trade Commission
  3. Dicta Rising to Doctrine -- Independent Ink resolving the presumption of market power from patents used in antitrust tie-ins
  4. Looking With An Equitable Lens at Hold-ups of Standard Setting Qualcomm
  5. US Customs Decisions

Fraud Spotting

  1. FBI Common Scams and Crimes
  2. Federal Trade Commission Invention Promotion Firms Page
  3. US Patent Office Invention Promotion Firms Page
  4. Trademark Maintenance Scams

Legal Research

  1. Free

    Advanced RECAP Search feature on Court Listener

  2. Commercial -- You Will Need An Account -- These Are Not Advertised or Endorsed by this Site
    1. Westlaw
    2. Fastcase Through Illinois State Bar Association
    3. Thomson & Thomson Trademark searches
    4. Micro Patent Patent Copies
    5. Delphion Intellectual Property Network
    6. BNA Intellectual Property Library
    7. Westlaw
    8. Fastcase -- Illinois Bar Members


  1. US Supreme Court
  2. US Supreme Court Decisions Published by the Library of Congress
  3. US District Court ND Illinois
  4. Electronic Filing US District Court ND Illinois
  5. Federal Court Forms

  6. US Supreme Court Citation Finder
  7. Federal Civil Forms

  8. Links to All US Courts

    Pacer Case Locator:

  9. Pacer Case Locator (Requires Account)

    Appellate Courts

  10. US Court of Appeals Federal Circuit
  11. US Court of Appeals Seventh Circuit

    Other District Courts

  12. US District Court CD Illinois
  13. Electronic Filing US District Court CD Illinois
  14. US District Court ND Indiana
  15. Electronic Filing US District Court ND Indiana
  16. US District Court WD Wisconsin
  17. Electronic Filing US District Court WD Wisconsin

  18. US District Court Delaware
  19. Electronic Filing US District Court Delaware
  20. US District Court Eastern District Texas
  21. Electronic Filing US District Court Eastern District Texas
  22. US District Court Southern District New York
  23. Electronic Filing US District Court Southern District New York
  24. US District Court Central District California
  25. Electronic Filing US District Court Central District California
  26. US District Court ED Missouri
  27. Electronic Filing US District Court ED Missouri
  28. US District Court ED New York
  29. Electronic Filing US District Court ED New York
  30. US District Court SD Indiana
  31. US District Court SD Ohio
  32. US District Court CD California
  33. Electronic Filing US District Court CD California

    State Court

  34. Illinois State Court Opinions
  35. Cook County Circuit Court
  36. Cook County Circuit Court -- Clerk's Office

    Secondary Sources

  37. Kent Law School Site with Seventh Circuit Decisions
  38. Cornell U. Law School Supreme Court Decisions
  39. Findlaw U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
  40. Interest Rate Applicable to Federal Judgments



  1. Public Library of Law
  2. United States Code at Cornell University
  3. United States Code at the US Congress
  4. Guidelines for Intellectual Property Licensing (old)
  5. 2017 FTC Press Release New Guidelines for Intellectual Property Licensing
  6. Federal Rules Civil Procedure
  7. Federal Rules of Evidence
  8. Uniform Trade Secrets Act
  9. Law and Politics: Internet Guide
  10. HeinOnline Journals & Federal Register

Commercial Legal Research -- You Will Need An Account -- These Are Not Advertised or Endorsed by this Site

  1. Lexis
  2. Westlaw
  3. Loislaw
  4. BNA Intellectual Property Library

Federal Agencies

  1. Certificates of Label Approval -- ATF/TTB
  2. Record Trademark or Copyright with Customs

State & Local Government

  1. Illinois Supreme Court opinions
  2. Illinois Judicial Circuit Court Rules
  3. Illinois Civil Procedure
  4. Illinois Secretary of State
  5. Illinois Secretary of State Name Search
  6. Clerk of Court for Cook County
  7. Cook County Clerk
  8. Various Things Relating to Lincoln Park, Chicago

    Corporations in Other States

  9. Alabama
  10. California
  11. Connecticut
  12. Delaware
  13. California
  14. Colorado
  15. Florida
  16. Georgia
  17. Indiana
  18. Louisiana
  19. Massachusetts
  20. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
  21. Mississippi
  22. New Jersey Department of Revenue and Enterprise Services
  23. New York
  24. Nevada
  25. North Carolina
  26. Pennsylvania
  27. Virginia Corporations Commission
  28. Washington State
  29. Wisconsin

Other IP Law

  1. Author of Electronic Freedom Foundation, explaining Copyright myths
  2. UIC John Marshall Law School
  3. Commentary on Patent Law
  4. A Blog Humorously Identifies 17 Types of Lawyers
  5. A Site Critical of Getty Images Enforcement Tactics called Extortion Letter
  6. Example of Sports League Licensing (NBA)

Other Law

Some may require membership

  1. Terralex International Law Firms
  2. ABA Section of Litigation
  3. Illinois State Bar Association
  4. American Intellectual Property Law Association
  5. Illinois Trial Lawyers Association Newsletter
  6. Chicago Bar Association
  7. Legal Practice Forms from 'Lectric Law Library
  8. US Securities Exchange Commission's EDGAR corporate information
  9. Yale Law School's Avalon Project, publishing historical documents
  10. U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1873
  11. History of the Federal Judiciary
  12. US State Department -- Passports & Travel
  13. Washington v Trump (9th Cir 02-09-2017)
  14. Tobinick v Novella (11th Cir 02-15-2017) Anti-SLAPP case

Computer sites

  1. Domain Names and Domain Name Disputes
    1. Whois Through Network Solutions
    2. Whois Through Godaddy
    3. Who is Hosting a Website?
    4. Find your computer's IP Address

    5. Geographical Location of an IP Address
    6. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers
    7. ICANN UDRP Policy 2012
    8. ICANN UDRP Rules 2015
    9. UDRP Decisions
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. html programming commands
  4. barcode scanning
  5. Webopedia Computer Encyclopedia

  6. Urban Legends and Hoaxes

  7. Make a Shorter Linkto make links that will work in Yahoo Groups


    Radar Loops

  1. Chicago Radar Image
  2. Chicago Radar Loop
  3. Midwest Radar Loop
  4. Great Lakes Radar loop
  5. Animated Satellite Views


  6. UNISYS Surface Analysis
  7. NOAA Weather Map
  8. NOAA Surface Analysis

    Text Observations and Forecasts

  9. Current Conditions Meigs Field
  10. Current Conditions O'Hare Field
  11. Forecast Cook County, Illinois
  12. Chicago Wind Forecast
  13. Java pressure & wind
  14. Chicago Nearshore Marine Forecast
  15. Milwaukee Nearshore Marine Forecast

    Web Cams

  16. GLERL Current Conditions 3 mi. offshore
  17. Web Cam North Ave. Beach Looking East

    Still Radar and Satellite Images

  18. NOAA Radar
  19. Intellicast Radar Summary

General Interest, Limnology, Ecology, Public Interest

  1. Great Lakes Environment
  2. Astronomical site
  3. Sea Grant Fish of Great Lakes
  4. Great Lakes Information
  5. Nautical Chart Previews
  6. Lincoln Park Advisory Council
  7. Lincoln Park and Chicago Harbors General Information

General information web sites

    Search Sites
  1. Metacrawler to Search Multiple Search Engines at Once
  2. Zoom Info to Locate People and Companies
    1. Technical and Scientific Reference
      1. Scientific and Technical Articles
      2. Materials Properties
      3. Materials Properties -- Plastics
      4. Periodic Table of the Elements
      5. Plastics Glossary
    2. Conversions
      1. Convert Units
      2. Convert Units
      3. Conversion Calculator
      4. Links To Thousands of Technical Calculators and Conversions
      5. New Link To Thousands of Technical Calculators and Conversions
    3. Math
      1. Trig Tables
      2. Trig (Java)
      3. Math Tables
    4. Dictionary, Thesaurus, Vocabulary
      1. American Heritage Dictionary on Yahoo
      2. Online Dictionaries
      3. Link Web URL Text to Dictionary
      4. Free Translations
      5. Acronyms
        1. Military Acronyms
        2. Military Words
        3. Official
    5. Other
      1. Wikipedia Volunteer Encyclopedia
      2. World Fact Book
      3. Wikipedia's List of National Capitals
      4. State Capitals
      5. Car prices
      6. Demographics
      7. Google Search Methodology
    6. What do you do to warn against an Advance Fee Scam?
    7. Trump University Denial of Summary Judgment 2016-08-02 Cohen v Trump No, 13-cv-02519-GPC-WVG

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